Win up to £1000
We're celebrating our 6th BIRTHDAY by hiding GOLDEN tickets in orders throughout August!
Find a golden ticket in your order and you'll instantly win £1000 cash!
We're also hiding SILVER tickets worth £500!
And BRONZE tickets worth £250!
All you have to do is place an order during August and look out for a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE ticket in your order!
1 x Golden Ticket To Be
Found Worth £1000 Cash

2 x Silver Tickets To Be
Found Worth £500 Cash Each

3 x Bronze Tickets To Be
Found Worth £250 Cash Each

PLUS - we're also hiding 100,000 BLUE tickets too!
If you don't find a GOLD, SILVER or BRONZE ticket in your order,
you might find a BLUE ticket with a SECOND chance to win!
Got a blue ticket in your order?
Scratch off the panel and enter your code below to find out what you've won:
Terms & conditions Cash prizes must be claimed within 30 days. Prize money will be transferred to a UK bank account of the winner's choosing within 7 days. By accepting a cash prize, winners agree to the use of their first name, image and approximate geographical location in publicity material. Full terms & conditions and how to claim cash prizes are printed on winning tickets. Blue Ticket prizes must be claimed within 5 days. Codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Prizes are as stated and no alternatives will be offered.