Must Have Ideas Ltd is a UK based company that sources and markets innovative products directly to consumers, specialising in homewares, cleaning and storage products. We are known for our exciting products and excellent customer service.
As a business we are committed to taking social responsibility and ethical trading seriously and recognise that practices can always be improved upon. We will never knowingly support or deal with any business involved in modern slavery or human trafficking.
Our Business and Supply Chain
In order to provide the most innovative products we operate a global supply chain managed by our product team in the UK. Our products are sourced from the UK, EU and the Far East.
We recognise that the suppliers in the Far East are our greatest risk of exposure to, and association with, modern slavery and human trafficking. We expect all our suppliers, regardless of location, to have the same level of commitment to ethical trading as we do but recognise that modern slavery in supply chains is a complex issue which requires continued vigilance.
Must Have Ideas Ltd considers itself to be a responsible employer that adheres to the UK employment legislation that protects our employees and their rights. We review our employee policies frequently and amend if we feel we can provide greater protection to our employees. All our warehousing operations are company owned and based locally in Kent; therefore, we do not consider this to be at risk of modern slavery and human trafficking.
We have assessed the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking within our organisation and have identified that the biggest risk is within our supply chain.
In an attempt to mitigate that risk we are:
- Increasing our knowledge of our suppliers
- Conducting inspections & CSR audits where necessary
- Building the assessment of modern slavery into our supplier sourcing
- Reviewing existing suppliers regularly
- Ensuring that any change in supplier is approved by management in advance
Continuous Improvement
To maintain effectiveness in the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain we intend to:
- Monitor developments in best practices
- Build awareness within the business
- Regularly review the effectiveness of this policy
- Identify and consider whether there are further training requirements
- Assess and consider whether further measures are appropriate
This Statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes Must Have Ideas Ltd modern slavery and human trafficking statement for financial year ending April 2025.
Statement formally approved by board members and will be reviewed each financial year.